Monday 1 June 2015

Next Month: Time for Adventure

Whoops, we've been a little quiet on the blog for a while! Our members have been busy at school and college studying for exams, working part-time, and fundraising like crazy to pay for their Jamboree fees and equipment. We're incredibly proud of them and they've all done a fantastic job so far coping with the demands of the Jamboree on top of their already busy lives. 

The time has flown by. We started the adventure with the Jamboree Roadshows in September 2013 and, in what feels like no time at all, we've become an awesome team, completed all our training camps and received all our UK Contingent kit. It is with some serious excitement that we can now say we are going to Japan NEXT MONTH! 

We're hoping to have facilities to update the blog while we're at the Jamboree so, technology-in-a-field permitting, stay tuned. We can't wait to share the adventure with you.

Thank you to everyone who has supported us along the way; we couldn't have got this far without you.

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