Saturday 26 October 2013

Planning for Selection

We're about half way through planning the selection weekend for participants. We have a whiteboard full of ideas, bits of paper full of to-do lists, a spreadsheet full of names and a table full of biscuits. 

In just over a month's time, this weekend will be a reality and by the Sunday night we'll be ready to choose the 36 young people we'll be sharing the next 18 months of adventure with.

Right now, though, Team Jamboree are busy experiencing sugar crashes and overdosing on caffeine to get everything sorted for our applicants. Also I went to the shop and bought cheestrings. And ate them all.


Sunday 13 October 2013

Time's Up!

It's 18:00 on 13th October 2013. We've upset Mike's postman quite enough over the last month and the deadline for applications has officially passed. Everyone in Team Jamboree is very excited about the level of interest we've had. Over the next couple of weeks we will be getting together to go through all the applications and to plan the logistics of the selection days. We'll be needing a LOT of coffee but it's great to get started; the Jamboree experience feels very real for us now that we know that thirty-six of the people behind the applications currently sitting in Mike's house will make up our Unit for the next year-and-a-half. And we will, of course, be the best Unit in the UK Contingent: standard.

July 2015 seems far too close already and time is going to fly by - we'll be boarding that plane before we know it! Watch this space.

Thursday 10 October 2013

The Adventure Begins

Team Jamboree had a seriously busy couple of weeks in September putting the information roadshow together and touring it around both Counties. We had a good turnout at each of the roadshows and now the real work starts as the applications have started to come pouring in.

Once all the applications are in, the four of us will be spending a weekend together fine-tuning the selection days. I cannot wait to meet everyone who has applied and begin the scary but exciting task of building the Unit that will be together for the next 18 months.